Meet my hero... 

Rachid has been carp fishing for nearly 35 years, and I have been on the sideline all the way. We are grateful for this hobby of his, although it's both time- and money consuming. It has contributed to keeping him well and alive, and he loves sharing great carping moment. It is a question about “Carpe Diem”. In other words:“Seize the moment”.

Back in 2014 he became seriously ill and was hospitalized for three months. Skilled doctors saved his life several times during that period. When he was close to discharge, one of the doctors asked him, what he liked to do. He replied: "Carp Angling".

To that, the doctor said: “You should do that, when you are discharged, that will keep you alive”.

And that is why he is #stillcarping. Carp angling has provided Rachid with peace of mind, great nature experiences and a fantastic network.

Both our sons support their “carp-crazy” father. The youngest, now 27, has got hooked himself. The oldest, 29, has supported the old guy, when health issues made it difficult to carry the rather heavy gear. Professionally "my hero" works with young people who needs support from a steady grown-up.

If you want to learn more about my carp angler hero, you can check his FB-site in English: stillcarping, and under #stillcarping you can find plenty of posts with the old guy’s thoughts. You can also find him on Instagram under the same name.

On “insta” he is described as: “Passionate Carp Angler, dedicated Street Worker, but above all: Family Man”.See, that’s my hero.